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Opportunities to develop MSc and Ph.D. theses
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1. Pattern recognition and signal analysis in medical applications based on artificial intelligence (as part CONACYT Project of Basic Science). Biomechanical analysis, Parkinson Disease...
2. Computational model for acoustic analysis of airports based on artifici...
Research Award IPN
The National Polytechnic Institute delivers the "Award Research in the IPN" corresponding to 2014, to academic staff with outstanding research contributing to increasing scientific knowledge and technological development into four categories: basic research, applied research, technological developme...
New project approved by CONACyT
New project approved by CONACYT which is fully funded by this organization: Methods for pattern recognition and analysis of vibro-acoustic signals. The general project aim is to create new methods to recognize patterns and analyze vibro-acoustic signals from urban, underwater and mechanical origin...
Laboratory of Intelligent Systems for Automation
Course eligible for the first semester: Programming for Virtual Instrumentation and Industrial Networks ("Programación para Instrumentación Virtual y Redes Industriales")

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Please, see Scientific Products, Projects and Thesis