Project in development.

Design and Evaluation of Medical Application Systems: For Motor Examination, Care and Therapy of Patients with Parkinson Disease

Noise monitoring at the Historic Centre of Mexico City

Wireless distributed system for permanent monitoring of enviromental noise. Computes principal acoustical pollution indicators

Real-time measurements at Mexico City International Airport (AICM)

Field measurements to obtain real indicators of physical variables such as noise. Coordinated and supported by external institutions such as the Mexico City International Airport and the General Department of Civil Aviation

New project funded by CONACYT and lead by our group

Methods for Pattern Recognition and Analysis of Vibro-Acoustic Signals. The general project aim is to create new methods to recognize patterns and analyze vibro-acoustic signals from urban, underwater and mechanical origin

Laboratory of Intelligent Systems for Automation

Course eligible for the first semester: Programming for Virtual Instrumentation and Industrial Networks ("Programación para Instrumentación Virtual y Redes Industriales. Laboratorio de Sistemas Inteligentes para la Automatización")

Presea Lázaro Cárdenas 2016
Dr. Luis Alejandro Sánchez Pérez

La Presea Lázaro Cárdenas es la distinción más importante que otorga el Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), se entrega cada año a los alumnos de nivel Medio Superior, Superior, Maestría y Doctorado con desempeño sobresaliente. También se entrega a profesores e investigadores con aportaciones destacadas en la docencia y la investigación.

International internships

International internships
University of Michigan (UM)
New York University (NYU)

For more information, please email to

Opportunities to develop MSc and PhD theses

You may contact 1. Expert systems for medical applications. 2. Biomechanical assessments of people with movement disorders, Parkinson and others. 3. Computational models for acoustic analysis of airports and cities based on artificial intelligence. 4. High-performance monitoring...

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Research Award IPN

The National Polytechnic Institute delivers the "Award Research in the IPN" corresponding to 2014, to academic staff with outstanding research contributing to increasing scientific knowledge and technological development into four categories: basic research, applied research, technological developme...

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New project approved by CONACyT

New project approved by CONACYT which is fully funded by this organization: Methods for pattern recognition and analysis of vibro-acoustic signals. The general project aim is to create new methods to recognize patterns and analyze vibro-acoustic signals from urban, underwater and mechanical origin...

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Laboratory of Intelligent Systems for Automation

Course eligible for the first semester: Programming for Virtual Instrumentation and Industrial Networks ("Programación para Instrumentación Virtual y Redes Industriales")

For more information, please email to

Please, see Scientific Products, Projects and Thesis

 Virtual Instrumentation, parallel programming and multicore
 This page is under development and belongs to the Research Group for Measurements and Intelligent Processing of Physical Variables (MIP-RG).
 This page is under development and belongs to the Research Group for Measurements and Intelligent Processing of Physical Variables (MIP-RG).