Lucrecia Pérez Echazabal, PhD

Detailed Information

Group Position:

Group Researcher

She holds a Ph. D. in Technical Sciences, specializing in architecture given by the Higher Polytechnical Institute "José Antonio Echeverría", Havana, Cuba (2000). Full Professor of the "Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico City". She received the Award of the Academy of Sciences of Cuba in 2000 for her research tittled "The influence of environment on the pathology of monuments of great historical value built with natural stone materials". She also received the Special Distinction by the Minister of Higher Education of Cuba (2001). She was Senior Adviser in the restoration of the National School of Arts, Havana (1986-2000) and adviser in the restoration of Arani Church, National Monument of Bolivia (2003). Visiting Professor: Universidad del Estado de Morelos, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mexico; Universidad Mayor de San Simón, University La Salle, Bolivia; Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla, Colombia.


Funded by CONACyT


The general project aim is to create new methods to recognize patterns and analyze vibro-acoustic signals from urban, underwater and mechanical origin...Read more


Funded by CONACyT


An environmental monitoring system was performed which allowed the acquisition, analysis and pattern recognition of noise and vibration in urban areas and facilities of interest . Ten critical zones a...Read more


Externally Supported


The project was directed and programmed by Dr. Luis Pastor Sánchez Fernández. It based on 10-node autonomous, distributed wireless monitoring system placed in various locations throughout Historic Cen...Read more


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